
QueerMan Blog Supplemental

  First Post, May the 8th, 2022 The Cult of the QueerMan is a symbolic reminder of those who adhere to the idea that a Man’s life belongs to the Man. However, the most difficult part, as stated from ancient times, is to know what is the Man’s (yours) essence and what was implanted there by parents, teachers, society and hence your fear of not being like the rest (normal). Being normal is having the same “illness” as the man next door. At times that illness is damaging to some. Warning: I write long-ish phrases but it’s for a reason that serves me and hopefully won’t alienate all of u who want to try and see if there’s anything interesting for you in my words. In this blog I will present my personal views of how and what happened in my life till now (60 years of age as of November 2021). My blog entries will show how I, like most of us, started to become an Ikea piece of furniture with an assembly manual. In all good intentions (let’s leave it to that for now) my parents and teachers tr